Your Pharmacy Plan Benefits
When it’s time to pick up your prescription from a Montana pharmacy, you may have a few ways to save.
Understand Your Prescription Costs
Your prescription costs depend on a few things, like if you've met your deductible and what your prescription's drug tier is.
You'll pay the cost of your prescription until you meet your plan's annual deductible. Then, you'll pay an out-of-pocket amount depending on your drug's tier. Medicines are broken into their tiers depending on if they're preferred or nonpreferred, generic or brand name and specialty or nonspecialty drugs. To check if your medicine's covered and its tier, explore the annual drug lists.
Take Steps to Lower Your Drug Costs
- Generic Drugs
- In-Network Pharmacies
- 90-Day Supply
Common Questions About Pharmacy Benefits
1 Not all prescriptions can be filled in a 90-day supply and may need to be filled at select retail pharmacies or via home delivery. Based on your plan benefits, you may not save on your out-of-pocket costs but will spend less time going to the pharmacy.