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Our People


2023 Highlights

Compassion and Purpose

Our more than 400 Montana employees bring our purpose to life. It’s in the compassion they bring to helping members get the care and resources they need for health and wellness.

It’s in the way they collaborate with one another and bring diverse experiences and perspectives to their work. And it’s in the tremendous dedication they show volunteering with hundreds of organizations that are making an impact in our communities.

Smiling woman.

Stronger together

Our Inclusion Workforce

Fostering an inclusive culture and work environment enables us to stand with our members in sickness and in health and to be partners in the communities where we live and work.

As a health-centric organization, we’ve built a strong foundation by acknowledging, respecting and celebrating the unique experiences of all individuals we call employees and the members we continue to serve.

One way we create a sense of belonging at BCBSMT is through our five Business Resource Groups.

Nearly 100 employees participating in BRGs connected with others who share similar dimensions of their identity — and those with different backgrounds, providing opportunities to learn and grow.

Through volunteer opportunities, employee engagement and targeted programs, they advance inclusion at work and in our communities. Their activities in 2023 included supporting a booth at the 30th anniversary of Montana Pride and assembling care kits for soldiers abroad.


In Our Communities

Volunteering in our communities is embedded in our company’s culture. In 2023, 102 employees volunteered more than 4,400 hours with 101 organizations through the Blue Corps℠ program. BCBSMT donated more than $26,400 to 26 organizations in matching dollars for hours volunteered by employees.

Giving back

Volunteer of the Year

Rachael Gray Hawk, our 2023 Volunteer of the Year, volunteers as a Disaster Action Team supervisor for the American Red Cross, helping Montanans displaced by residential fires. She’s also a volunteer board member with River City Harvest’s community gardens.

The gardens provide fresh produce for local senior centers, disabled young adults, disadvantaged children and others with limited access to nutrient-dense food. “This organization truly has a wide and impactful reach in providing food security for those who need it most,” Gray Hawk says.


Volunteer Impacts


102 Employee Volunteers Donating Their Time


4,458 Volunteer Hours With 101 Organizations


$26,430 Matching Dollars Awarded to 26 Organizations


Employee wellbeing

Engaging Employees to Focus on Health

As a health care company, we know the health of our employees is vital. That’s why we provide a range of programs and resources that inform and engage our employees to focus on their physical and mental well-being.

A priority for 2023 was encouraging employees to participate in Well onTarget®. The program begins with an online health assessment. From there, employees receive wellness coaching, customized educational strategies, advice from certified health coaches, and affordable access to fitness facilities to help them reach their wellness goals. As an incentive, we provide $100 to employees who participate. They also earn points for wellness activities that can be used for gifts.

The program is widely promoted with monthly webinars and employee newsletter articles, and those efforts have paid off. Participation in the health assessment grew more than 260% from 2022 to 2023, and use of the Well OnTarget platform grew 140%.*


*Applies to Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans in Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.